U.S. History

Unit WWI                                               

All assignments due for this week including your google docs shared with me by end of school day.

Friday, February 15, 2019
Bell Ringer: If you saw someone walking down the street that looked exactly like you what would you do?
Assignment:  Finish Propaganda posters

Thursday, February 14, 2019
Bell Ringer:  
Valentines is typically a day for sweethearts, do you buy into this holiday or not and why? If so what are you doing for a valentine?
Assignment:  Make up day

Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Assignment:  Go to 


Find 15 facts you didn't know about WW1 
Write 2-3 sentences for each fact

Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Bell Ringer:  What was the largest battle with the most casualties in WWI?
Assignment:  Vocabulary Words
Define the Vocabulary
Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Big Four
War Guilt clause
Treaty of Versailles
freedom of seas
territorial integrity
collective security

Monday, February 11, 2019
Bell Ringer:  If you were being drafted for WWI which branch of service would you join?
Assignment:  24.6 and Processing.
Write a paragraph and create a poster.  Instructions are  on notebook guide.

Friday February 8, 2019
Bell Ringer:
Assignment:  Chapter 24 section 5 and processing
Thursday February 7, 2019
Bell Ringer:
Assignment:  24 preview, sections 2-4
Wednesday February 6, 2019
Bell Ringer:  What are four causes of World War I
Assignment:  Make up work or Read  Will lose points if not productive doing work or reading.

Tuesday February 5, 2019
Bell Ringer:  Predict  True or False
1. The U.S. government sold war bonds to help pay for the war. 
2.  African Americans opened factories in the South to produce needed supplies.

3.  Pacifist supported the war. 

Assignment:  Vocabulary Words
1. Woman's Peace Party
2. Committee on Public Information (CPI)
3. Liberty Bonds
4. Great Migration
5. Espionage Act

6. Sedition Act
7. Wobblies
8. Scheneck v. United States
9. mobilization
10. ration
11. socialist
12. pacifist
13. dissent

14. Conscientious objector
15. symbolic speech

Monday February 4, 2019
Bell Ringer:  What is your opinion on the Super Bowl this weekend. (if you didn't watch what did you do this weekend? (school appropriate) 
Assignment:  Finished Activity with war technology.  

Friday February 1, 2019
Bell Ringer:  NONE
Webquest:  Get worksheet from me, If you went on field trip this assignment is a freebie to you.
Thursday Janauary 31
Bell Ringer:
What piece of war technology do you think would have made the biggest impact for soldiers?

Class Activity with primary resources and pictures:  See me.
Wednesday January 30,2019
 Make Up day

Tuesday:  January 29, 2019
Pre and post WWI map color and label the countries
Monday: January 28, 2019
Chapter 23.4 and processing.  WWI quiz on zzi.sh zku.6758
Monday January 21, 2019
No School

Tuesday January 22, 2019
Bell Ringer
How was WWI different from previous wars?

Pretest Zzi.sh    Code 
Chapter 23 Vocabulary   WWI  Course and Conduct of WWI
Selective Service Act
American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
369th Regiment
Meuse-Argonne Offensive
trench warfare
chemical weapon

Word Search

Wednesday January 23, 2019
Bell Ringer:  Listen to the song written during World War I by George M. Cohan an American Composer and entertainer.  Then answer these questions.  What is the mood of the music?  Does the mood match the lyrics?  Explain
According to this song, why should young men fight in the war?
What do you think  Cohan's purpose was in writing this song?

Lyrics to "Over There"
Johnnie, get your gun
Get your gun, get your gun
Take it on the run
On the run, on the run
Hear them calling, you and me
Every son of liberty
Hurry right away
No delay, go today
Make your daddy glad
To have had such a lad
Tell your sweetheart not to pine
To be proud her boy's in line
Over there, over there
Send the word, send the word over there
That the Yanks are coming
The Yanks are coming
The drums rum-tumming
So prepare, say a prayer
Send the word, send the word to beware
We'll be over, we're coming over
And we won't come back till it's over
Over there
Johnnie, get your gun
Get your gun, get your gun
Johnnie show the Hun
Who's a son of a gun
Hoist the flag and let her fly
Yankee Doodle do or die
Pack your little kit
Show your grit, do your bit
Yankee to the ranks
From the towns and the tanks
Make your mother proud of you
And the old Red, White and Blue
Over there, over there
Send the word, send the word over there
That the Yanks are coming
The Yanks are coming
The drums rum-tumming
So prepare, say a prayer
Send the word, send the word to beware
We'll be over, we're coming over
And we won't come back till it's over

Make Up day

Thursday January 24, 2019
Bell Ringer:  Listen to "On Patrol in No-Man's Land,: a song written by James Reese Europe in 1919 about his experience as a lieutenant in the 369th Regiment of the U.S. Army.  The answer these questions.
What is the mood of this music?  Does the mood match the lyrics?  Explain
According to this song, what dangers do soldiers have to look out for?
What do you think Europe's purpose was in writing this song?
What the time? Nine?
Fall in line
Alright, boys, now take it slow
Are you ready? Steady!
Very good, Eddie.
Over the top, let’s go
Quiet, lie it, else you’ll start a riot
Keep your proper distance, follow ’long
Cover, brother, and when you see me hover
Obey my orders and you won’t go wrong

There’s a Minenwerfer coming —
look out! Hear that roar, there’s one more...
Stand fast, there’s a Very light...
Don’t gasp or they’ll find you all right!
Don’t start to bombing with those hand grenades
There’s a machine gun, holy spades!
Alert, gas! Put on your mask.
Adjust it correctly and hurry up fast!
Drop! There’s a rocket from the Boche barrage...
Down!, hug the ground, close as you can,
Creep and crawl, follow me, that’s all...
What do you hear? Nothing near
Don’t fear, all is clear
That’s the life of a stroll
When you take a patrol
Out in No Man’s Land
Ain’t it grand?
Out in No Man’s Land

»We can't stop these men... They are devils... They smile while they kill... and you can't catch them alive«

There’s a Minenwerfer......

»Right, boys! Go on’rido it! Get the bloody boys! Get them on the bayonet!... Ram it on!«

What do you hear? Nothing near
Don’t fear, all is clear
That’s the life of a stroll
When you take a patrol
Out in No Man’s Land
Ain’t it grand?
Out in No Man’s Land

Reading and questions 23.1-23-2
Class Activity

Friday January 25, 2019

January 16-18 -  Watch power point on WWI and complete WWI power point guide sheet.
Work sheet - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wq2fn4QBbOQaX3AE7nX59lji5eiATGB_-yyA96Gtce0/edit

January 17-18 - Who am I activity - to be done at school.  Walk around class and school finding
different people in WWI who they were and what they did.  Fill out worksheet to go with it.
January 18-18 - Start of WWI flow chart
January 19-18 -Vocabulary - Get definitions for these words
Central Powers, Allied powers, U-boat, Lusitania, unrestricted submarine warfare, Sussex pledge, Preparedness movement, Zimmermann note, belligerent, nationalism, militarism, stalemate, propaganda
January 22-18 - Finish Vocabulary, Chapter 22 preview, Chapter 22 section 2.
January 23-18 - WWI Webquest - http://www.polk.k12.ga.us/userfiles/790/Classes/34597/WORLD%20WAR%20I%20WEBQUEST.pdf

1 comment:

  1. Tensions were high in Europe. Many countries had made alliances with other countries. When Arch Duke Ferdinand drove through Sarajevo. Gavrillo Princip a member of the black hats shot the Arch Duke. Tensions broke and the alliances laid claim declaring war against each other.
